Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No Gestational Diabetes!

Well, I went to the Dr. yesterday for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I had to drink 8 oz. of supposed "lemon lime" sugar water (which by the way I do not like lemon lime gatorade and that is exactly what it tasted like!). But the good news came only 3 short hours later...I do not have gestational diabetes this time! Yeah!

Also, while I was waiting I got an ultrasound of the baby boy! Here is a pic of him...hope this doesn't freak people out! He looks just like Addie Lee did at that stage! He is weighing over 3 pounds and measuring 29 1/2 weeks (FYI: I'm only 28 1/2 weeks). So it looks like we're blessed with another healthy baby! I can't wait to see him!

P.S. My friend Alissa is having her baby boy tomorrow (Thursday) so y'all pray for both of them please.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad to hear you and baby are both doing well. :)
